Events / Workshops

Secrets of Yoga: It's About the Joints Hips and Shoulders with Doug Keller

Dates: Saturday, July 27, 2024 - Sunday, July 28, 2024
Location: Yoga Center
Online  In-Person

So much of our thought about yoga revolves around flexibility and strength of our muscles. It can be misleading, not only to those who are inflexible and wonder if yoga is for them, but also to the hyper-mobile, who are able to bask in their flexibility in yoga classes, but end up with joint pain. 

The secret is that it’s about the joints. Good muscle tone, range of motion, and healthy joints come when we pay attention to the joints first - and don’t force them to extremes.

In this two-day teacher training event, Doug Keller will explore our ‘four corners’ of healthy movement — our hips and our shoulders — and principles for healthy joints and safe mobility in these areas.

Each individual workshop is $35. Pricing for all four workshops is $140.

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Yoga vs. Osteoporosis Certification Course

Dates: Friday, August 02, 2024 - Sunday, August 04, 2024
Location: Yoga Center
Online  In-Person

Dr. Fishman is back! Learn to teach and troubleshoot the 12 yoga poses in the Series 1 protocol that has been demonstrated to raise bone mineral density. You will gain a deeper understanding of bone health and how yoga works to counteract osteoporosis.  This weekend workshop is geared toward yoga teachers and therapists, but anyone may attend.

To be certified in this protocol, you must take a written exam and a practicum involving teaching yoga poses to the group. This course is eligible for CEUs from the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). The workshop will be recorded and the recordings will be available to all participants for six weeks after the close of the program.

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