Restoratives, Reiki, Reflexology with Linda Stevens and Mo Rosenbloom

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$35.00 Restoratives, Reiki, Reflexology with Linda Stevens and Mo Rosenbloom

WAIT LIST:  IF WORKSHOP DATE IS FULL, CALL 410-720-4340 OR EMAIL to be put on the waitlist. 

Restoratives, Reiki, Reflexology with Linda Stevens and Mo Rosenbloom are in-person workshops at The Yoga Center of Columbia. 

Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit with 90 minutes of de-stressing. This will be a hands-on experience with Reiki healing energy to your head and shoulders and reflexology therapy to your ears and feet while reclining in yoga restorative postures - total relaxation.

Please plan to arrive ten minutes before the session begins.

Limited to 10 participants.

Limit to 5 participants for our June 14th workshop hosted by Linda.

These workshops will are in-person only so that our participants receive personalized attention in their journeys towards rejuvenating their body, mind and spirit! 

Linda Stevens

Linda has been practicing yoga for 24 years and received her 200 hour certification from the Yoga Center of Columbia in 2011, and her 15 hour certification with YoKids in 2012.  She began her concentration with Yin Yoga in 2016 and has completed Certificate programs with Jesse Kates,  Josh Summer, Bernie Clark and is currently studying with Paul Grilley and Hari-kirtana das. When possible she enjoys combining her yoga with her practice of Reiki and reflexology. 

Maureen (Mo) Rosenbloom

Mo started practicing yoga in New Zealand in 1999 where she lived for 18 years. She completed her teacher training at the Yoga Center of Columbia in 2017. Mo uses a multimodal approach that spans the spectrum of opposites: movement & stillness; sound & silence; energy lift and sedation. She weaves her training in Energy Medicine Yoga, Qigong, Reiki, Integrative Reflexology, Vishoka Meditation, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Sound Immersion into her classes with the goal of demystifying energy so that we better understand our bodies and minds and become better stewards of ourselves.

Mo found her path of teaching yoga midway through life after she got lost in a caregiver role. Pivoting away from an IT career, the layers of yoga unfurled as a resource, a respite, a renewal, a remembering, a focus that joyfully called her back to her body as home base.

Mo is motivated to share yoga with caregivers of all kinds to honor and prioritize ourselves, to beckon us back to being playful & present. At the end of the day, we are all caregivers starting with caring for ourselves - whether we have spouses, children, pets or are front line workers. You can reach Mo directly at

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