Madeline Miskie-Jaeger

Madeline began practicing yoga while in the midst of her graduate studies in vocal performance. At first, the practice was lifeline for managing the stresses and pressures of academia, but as time passed and her practice expanded, yoga became a valuable tool that gave her the awareness necessary to improve and correct inefficient tension, postural & breathing patterns that negatively impacted her voice, to regulate her nervous system and most importantly, to cultivate a kind and loving relationship with herself.

Although Madeline has sampled many different forms of yoga, she is most heavily influenced by the following styles: Vinyasa Flow, Gentle Vinyasa, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Yin and Restorative. Additional somatic practices that shape her teaching style include: Laban movement, Linklater, and Self-Myofascial Release.

The word vinyasa means to ‘place in a special or specific way’. When we intentionally order the breath, there is potential for embodied flow; essentially the sense of moving the body (or remaining still) with purpose and presence; which can serve us both on and off of the mat!

Madeline’s vinyasa classes gradually heat, open and strengthen the body with an emphasis on intentional movement, creativity and play. As each class sequence progresses, shorter mini-flows are often repeated to give practitioners greater ownership of the movement and to deepen the awareness, range of motion and/or strength, when applicable.

Fundamentally, Madeline’s intention as a yoga teacher and movement educator is to support students as they come into their own unique experience of the present moment. As we bring the light of awareness to new movement patterns we re-discover and uncover the potential within ourselves!